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Obuv Rossii started using a voice assistant to communicate with clients

Obuv Rossii started using a voice assistant to communicate with clients

Obuv Rossii Group has implemented a voice assistant in the call-center operation, it has taken over some of employees’ functions. The company uses a new system to interact with customers while providing additional services — installment payments and cash loans. The goal of the project is to reduce the number of «lost» calls, waiting time and the cost of communication services, to provide 24/7 support to clients and to conduct full analytics of all directions. For now, the voice assistant independently serves about 10% of clients.

The launch of the voice assistant was carried out in May, during the quarantine measures, when most of the stores were closed, while the number of calls to the call-center increased by 3-4 times. The voice assistant helped to reduce the rate of missed calls significantly from 30% to 5% during peak loads.

Currently, the company uses a voice assistant to process incoming calls when it is necessary to satisfy typical requests of regular clients, for example: to specify the amount and date of payment, payment details or availability of a limit. The voice assistant is implemented on several programs: Oktell, 1C, and Yandex SpeechKit.

«The voice assistant is a very convenient solution to satisfy the typical inquiries of our clients without the participation of operators. The voice assistant identifies the client by the number from which he is calling and the date of birth. Further, referring to the client by name and patronymic name, the assistant specifies the client's request. At the same time, the voice assistant not only gives an answer, but also informs the client about the availability of an affordable limit on an installment payment or a cash loan. The implementation of this service made it possible to reduce the waiting time for clients on the line and maintain customer loyalty during such a difficult quarantine period», — comments Anna Savchenko, head of the group for retail project support in Obuv Rossii Group.

In addition to improving the work of the incoming line voice assistant, the company plans to implement a telemarketing voice assistant, which, unlike a regular voice autoinformer, will sell the product rather than inform about this.

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