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Obuv Rossii Has Introduced an E-learning System Based on the iSpring Platform

Obuv Rossii Has Introduced an E-learning System Based on the iSpring Platform

Obuv Rossii Group, the first Russian public fashion-retailer, is developing its corporate training system. The Group started using the iSpring platform to enhance the efficiency of remote personnel training in more than 350 cities and towns where the Company is represented. The new system allows Obuv Rossii to create several training programs simultaneously, to adapt them taking into account changes in the Company, to conduct assessment and attestation of its personal on a regular basis.

Over the past two years, Obuv Rossii has significantly increased its business volume: it has entered 220 new cities and towns having doubled its network. Company’s sales outlets are not classical fashion stores – they are multifunctional service centres providing a range of innovative financial services such as instalment payments, cash loans, etc. Service provided by Obuv Rossii are developing fast, so, to convey information about all novelties in the Company, it is necessary to regularly train the personnel in more than 700 directly operated stores in over 350 cities and towns.

«The iSpring platform helps us train all employees under one program flexibly adjusting it to the changes in the Company and conduct attestation. The iSpring system is used for store managers to be trained regularly – it is more than 700 people. We connect to the platform the newcomers as well. Thanks to the automation, we can assess results: how much time employees spend training and what mistakes are made in the test,” says Anna Savchenko, head of the group for retail project support in Obuv Rossii Group.

“Obuv Rossii used to use video instructions to train specialists, developed guidance materials and conducted interviews with the employees to assess the results. It required much time and labour effort. The iSpring platform allowed the Company to create several different training programs that include audio and video lectures, interactive instruments and practical tasks, intermediate and final tests, conversational simulation training aids. All that is now available to Obuv Rossii’s employees at any moment, from any device,” comments Slava Uskov, Director for iSpring Product Development.

Obuv Rossii will continue to improve the system for personnel training. In 2020, the Group plans to introduce a new approach: to divide the corporate training system into mini-lines, for everyone of which some training sessions will be organised. The new approach will allow the Company to improve the level of material digestion by the personnel and the retained knowledge level after specialists’ onboarding.

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